

迈克Nicholis 发布日期:2022年3月28日

因此,您已经决定关闭或重新安置数据中心. 不像搬到新家, 这可不像把你的东西打包那么简单, 关掉灯,锁好前门. Secure decommissioning comes with months of meticulous planning to make sure the process goes smoothly.

无论您选择在何处托管数据,都有可能破坏业务 is 更伟大的时候 你关闭了一个数据中心 比你一开始打开的时候要多. 为什么? 因为,y我们的关键数据和业务流程可以继续存在, 被安置在旧设备上,这些设备在别处被重新利用了.  


Ending the life of a data center isn’t a decision that you or your organization should take lightly. Many months of deliberation will have led to the decision of making one (or more) of your data centers redundant.


Today’s Data Center Managers have countless options for implementing hybrid IT infrastructure such as the cloud, 主机托管设施,或者将数据中心合并为一个更易于管理的空间.

当然,公共云是游戏规则的改变者. Using other companies’ secure and highly accessible data processing facilities allowed operators to decrease overhead and resources while increasing agility and digital capabilities at the same time.

许多dcm选择了混合的部分本地部署策略. 例如, 他们已经将特定的密集型工作负载(如归档)转移到云端, 导致专用容灾数据中心冗余.

由于工作负载已成功转移到云端, hundreds of thousands of companies stand as proof that decommissioning a large central data center can be a sensible option. Decommissioning of legacy data centers could continue course as we increasingly process data through fast, “边缘”小型数据中心将本地计算能力更接近最终用户.


Making sure that your data center shutdown occurs with minimal disruption needs scrutiny and adherence to a data center decommissioning process.

One of the most straightforward ways to decouple risk is by following a pre-defined data center closure checklist that will give security for all your sensitive data stored on devices while achieving maximum resale value from decommissioning IT equipment. 我们已经将最紧迫的7个考虑因素整合到您的环境中.

1. 创建数据中心退役范围

每个计划都始于有效的范围界定. 在范围内, you will need to detail a timetable (that includes an optimal date based on likely business impact and available resources); a budget to decommission (that includes any potential resale values) alongside a full scope of work that considers processes, 安全程序, 职责与处置.

范围界定从清单开始. You must know what’s in the data center before you can take steps to decommission any part.

2. 资产发现和盘点

您可以手动进行资产发现, 物理捕获现场详细的库存, 位置, 资产类型, 软件加载.

另外, 您可以使用ITAD合作伙伴的自动发现十大赌博正规老平台来捕获, 发现, 更新, 详细描述了整个全球遗产, 考虑隔离退役地点. 自动化的原因之一 网络资产发现 可能更可取的是,它在关闭之前发现并详细说明依赖关系. 你可以评估关闭某项资产的影响.

没有详细的资产清单就开始退役, 地点和序列号是不可想象的. Having this information captured at the beginning can ensure all IT assets and data center equipment are accounted for at the end, 财务和法律记录保存中哪一个是重要的.

3. 退役计划

一旦配备了设备的实时视图, 您可以深入了解停用数据中心所需的详细规划. 在退役项目的此步骤中, you should find a specialized partner who can lead you through the logistical jungle of safe data migration and asset disposal. A good partner will also help you maximize your IT asset value recovery by finding the best resale prices available.

再强调准确的文档也不足以证明数据擦除, 破坏, 以及销毁/处置证书.

For a full 硬件 decommission in a standalone data center, take the following steps:

  • 从一个完整的 IT硬件资产发现
  • 以最小的影响制定出物理移除的逻辑顺序, 这其中就包括了累垮的十大赌博正规老平台器, 磁盘, 网络设备, 路由器, 十大赌博正规老平台器, 网络, 路由器, 磁带库
  • 卸载软件- san,防火墙,虚拟机等.
  • 拆卸辅助设备-坞站, 联合包裹, 键盘, 架, rails工具, 电源线, 电缆和机柜
  • 停用十大赌博正规老平台器本身
  • 删除布线
  • 核对设备库存, 并记录与原始资产清单的任何差异
  • 确保数据销毁与关联报告无懈可击
  • 装箱、包装和装运设备
  • Move equipment to an assured facility in locked and sealed trucks where assets are prepared for resale or recycling
  • 在可能的地方重新部署IT资产和十大赌博正规老平台器机架
  • 尽快归还租赁期满的设备并终止合同
  • 文档,文档,文档!

4. 物流物资采购

这看起来很简单,但是 物理数据中心硬件 会特别重. Transportation of assets for both recycling and 破坏 will require materials like pallets, 盒子, 填充, 包装泡沫, 诸如此类. 除了, you’ll need heavy machinery like forklifts and pallet jacks to transport palletized 硬件.

以确保监管链的安全, it’s important that the 移动 trucks are locked and sealed to protect the 硬件 from theft (and the elements, 如果它们被回收利用).

事先协调好所有的材料和机器, 因为供应链问题可能会对您的退役时间表产生重大影响.

5. 备份和ITAD

下一步是进行全面备份,并仔细检查其安全性. 到目前为止,你将与一个有信誉的供应商 ITAD十大赌博正规老平台. 您的提供商也应该仔细检查您的备份. 事实上,许多ITAD公司都提供 数据中心搬迁 通常包括支持 数据和存储迁移十大赌博正规老平台. There’s a strong chance your decommissioning partner can take the weight of your data off your shoulders throughout the process.

不要让你的数据落入坏人之手! Download our whitepaper and discover the 5 Things You Need to Know About Reducing Data Security Risks During Asset Disposal Today!

一旦备份数据被验证为安全, 退役可以按照您自己的计划(包括软件)认真开始, 硬件, 辅助设备, 机架和电缆.

Whether or not your device has a resale value is driven by a cost analysis on the age and state of the asset to identify which should be simply disposed of and their likely resale value. Specialist partners with expertise in the reusable market will have a strong grasp of market values in different regions together with the logistics on how and where they can sell equipment for optimal returns.

当涉及到退役时需要获得的材料时, 你的伴侣也会考虑节省组件的价值.


6. 打包搬家

所有的东西都关闭了电源,从数据中心搬了出去, 你可以进入退役的最后物理阶段——处置. 处置包括包装, 移动, 托盘和终止多余的合同尽快. 在这个阶段,你的ITAD合作伙伴将承担重任, but they will likely need you to sign off on security releases as shipments of legacy equipment leave your facility.

7. 设备和会计跟踪

Before any asset – even those that are destroyed on site – leaves the confines of the building, 应对库存进行最后的验证检查, 文档也应该准确更新. This information should then be fed into the accounting and finance teams to ensure that they have accrued the correct write-offs for annual accounting.

重要项目包括硬件的最终转售价格(如果转售), 所有硬件维护合同都已取消, 删除或销毁的证明已经处理好了.

You can begin to appreciate now how the enhanced documentation process also ensures that you have met and captured your environmental and regulatory responsibilities.


回到博客开头的住宅搬迁类比, 就像你永远不会搬家没有一个专业的搬家伙伴, it’s best not to attempt a data center decommission without having a trusted ITAD partner by your side.

柏居科技提供 数据中心专业十大赌博正规老平台 这可以促进您的数据中心从开始到结束退役. 我们提供安全的监管链, 因为我们自己也是二手硬件的消费者, 我们使您更容易收回旧it资产的价值.

Contact our team for a quote today before you even start penciling a high-level checklist!



担任Park Place专业十大赌博正规老平台销售副总裁, 迈克Nicholis oversees the sales activities for the entire portfolio of 专业十大赌博正规老平台 offerings globally. Mike leads a team of seasoned 专业十大赌博正规老平台 sales veterans with decades of experience providing data center and IT services to businesses of all sizes. Mike是一位经验丰富的领导者,拥有25年以上的运营经验, 咨询, 并提供专业的销售和配送十大赌博正规老平台. Mike has a proven track record of building high-performing organizations focused on delivering exceptional solutions and service to 客户 to ensure exceptional customer value. Mike previously led the 专业十大赌博正规老平台 Delivery organization at Curvature prior to its acquisition by Park Place.